Who knew a small snack of a few carrots before bed could bring so much joy and questions at the same time?
My son Noah left a plastic dish with several small carrots in the bottom in hopes it might entice the Easter Bunny to stop at our home and deliver a basket of goodies. He had never done this before, but I guess he is basing it on the cookie/Santa principal at Christmas, which is a proven method of getting gifts.
We watched The Sound of Music for the second time in two nights, trying to catch different parts, and it finally ended. After Noah and my wife went to bed, I took what I thought were some rabbit like nibbles and scrapes on the carrots and tried to swallow before I got upstairs where everyone was brushing their teeth. I really don't like raw carrots.
When morning broke, Noah bounded down stairs, searching for his easter basket, after exhausting most places in my office and the living and dining room, he looked behind the cabinet holding our TV, bingo!
Candy eggs, jelly beans, a small dinosaur, a drawing pad, and a Gameboy game awaited. But he was most enthralled by the fact the Easter Bunny nibbled on the carrots.
"Why didn't he eat them all"?
"Should I have left him some water"?
Explanations for the questions just brought more questions; but the wide-eyed belief leads me to believe that life is good, no matter what, and it is the small things in life that count the most.