Tweleve years ago, I was in Oklahoma City shooting photos of the aftermath of the May 3rd, 1999 F5 tornado that hit most Norman, Midwest City, OKC, Mulllhull, Bridgecreek and other small towns around the OKC area. The tornado outbreak killed 48 people, and spawned 66 tornadoes that day. If I had looked back at this event a month ago, it was a holy crap event in my mind, but as I look back on it today, I think, what was the big deal when I compare it to the tornado outbreak a week ago in Alabama and the South. Not to diminish 05/03/99, but when you compare numbers, 04/27/11 were more than four times greater, four times!!! Lets all remember the victims for years to come, and may we never forget to pay attention to, and take action when you have a weather warning in your area. Your life depends on it!