Members of Disaster Relief Service International clean up the property of the Temple Christian Fellowship Church in Bridgeton, MO.
Today my chase partner Chris Howell and my brother Matt Detrich traveled through the damage path of the 04/22/11 tornado that did significant damage to the town of Bridgeton, MO and the St. Louis Lambert Field airport. Click HERE to see a slideshow of the photos. We are overnighting in Kansas City, MO and will meet up with the rest of the MESO group tomorrow and then head out to Kansas to get into position for some possible weather on Sunday. We are also joined by three Italian storm chasers, (yes from Italy), and will once again enjoy the company of Niccolo Ubalducci and Valentina Abinanti and their friend Michael. We will be picking up Nancy Bose and Joe Falci at the KC airport tomorrow and Matt Kassawara will be driving in from Lawrence, KS.
Chris Howell looks at a twisted I-beam in the damage path of the EF-4 tornado in Bridgeton, MO.